Opening Times:
Mon - Tue: 9.00am - 3.00pm Wed: 9.30am - 5.30pm Thu - Sat: 9.00am - 5.30pm Sun: Closed
| Delicatessen, Cheese Shop Town Centre Delicatessen featuring many local products including Brixworth Pate, Sauls of Spratton Pork Pies and Sausages, Northamptonshire honey, Farringtons Rapeseed Oil and Dressings, and beers from local breweries:
- Frog Island
- Hoggleys
- Great Oakley
- Potbelly
Large range of Farmhouse cheeses, cooked meats, fresh olives, and hand-made preserves.
Quality Wines from all over the world, Scottish fruit wines, Mead, Liqueurs etc
Selection of freshly-made filled rolls at lunchtime, together with chilled soft drinks and cakes/biscuits.