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Winners Place Leverkusen

Bismarckstraße 118, Leverkusen, 51373, Germany

Contact Details

Tel: 00 49 (0) 21 4866 30


Mediterranean Restaurant

Winner's Place im Lindner Hotel Leverkusen, Leverkusen
The Hotel BayArena in Leverkusen is really something special. Where else can you go and eat which is also linked to a football stadium? The Winner’s Palace is a spacious area with a feel for contemporary cuisine. There is almost always something on - themed evenings, seasonal dishes, surprise menus and cultural events. A weekly menu provides additional variety. The Winner’s Palace combines haute cuisine with the dynamics of a sporting arena. The hotel also has eight multimedia conference rooms which can suit individual needs. It can take up to 130 people. Each of the rooms overlooks the stadium which makes them ideal for exclusive parties on match days.

Credit/debit cards accepted Credit/debit cards accepted

Licensed to serve alcohol Licensed to serve alcohol

meal price guide Price Range: £10.00 - £25.00 per head

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Winner's Place im Lindner Hotel Leverkusen, Leverkusen

Winners Place Leverkusen

Mediterranean Restaurant

Bismarckstraße 118, Leverkusen, 51373

00 49 (0) 21 4866 30


The Hotel BayArena in Leverkusen is really something ..

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